Remember Tony Harris?


Tony Dwayne Harris was born on May 13 1967 in Monroe Louisiana. He was a champion in Cyprus with APOEL Nicosia during the season 1995-96 where he was worshiped. Hence, it were ascertained that he was the one who gave the motive to basketball fans to come back to basketball. In 1997-98 season Tony Harris played for Papagou in Greece. He returned to Cyprus and to Apoel Nicosia in 1999 but the chemistry with Coach Tavropoulos was none existent and he had to break his contract and leave.

He went to high school at Roosevelt in East Chicago and he later attended the University of New Orleans.

Tony Harris first experience with the NBA was with the Philadelphia 76ers in 1990-91 season, averaging 1.7 points on 25.0% field goal shooting and 50.0% free throw shooting in 6.8 minutes a game in 6 contests.

In 1994, Tony Harris played for the Boston Celtics for two seasons. In March 1994, he had his best season with averages of 8.8 points, 2.0 rebounds, 1.6 assists and 1.2 turnovers on 17.6 minutes in 5 games. He finished his NBA career with an average of 4.9 points on 10.5 minutes in fourteen contests.

Tony Harris also played in Philippines where he scored 105 points in a game on October 10, against Ginebra in Iloilo City. To this day his record still stands. Fans gave him the nickname “Hurricane”.

Is Tony Harris still alive?

Tony Harris is still alive today as far as we know. We don’t have any current information about his health. However, we hope that everything is ok. He is 49 years old now and here in wish for him to be alive and kicking after we heard the rumours that he was found dead. Tony Harris has won the American South Conference Men’s Player of the Year Award. Also he was the top score in 1995 and in one game he scored 75 points against Agros. He played 14 games in the NBA and averaged 10.5 minutes per game and 5 points per game.

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